''' Demonstration of accessing the two front-most images in GMS ''' #Find the front image, and get the image data as numpy array image1 = DM.GetFrontImage() image1_data = image1.GetNumArray() #Find the next image, and get its image data as numpy array image2 = image1.FindNextImage() image2_data = image2.GetNumArray() # Do something with image... (i.e. invert values) image1_data = (-1) * image1_data image2_data = (-1) * image2_data # Display results in 2 new images new_image1 = DM.CreateImage(image1_data) new_image2 = DM.CreateImage(image2_data) new_image1.ShowImage() new_image2.ShowImage() # The same process as above, but all in 3 lines # This gets us back to the original data image3 = DM.GetFrontImage() DM.CreateImage(image3.GetNumArray()*(-1)).ShowImage() DM.CreateImage(image3.FindNextImage().GetNumArray()*(-1)).ShowImage() # All DM image variables need to be explicitly deleted by the script. # Otherwise, the referenced image can not be removed fully from memory. del image1 del image2 del image3 del new_image1 del new_image2