// This script uses Microsoft PowerShell to send out an email' // Modify the mail server variables below before testing. string BuildPowerShellScript_SendEmail( string From, string To, string Sub, string Body ) { // Mailserver configuration variables. string SMPTPServer = "smtp.DOMAIN.com" number SMPTport = 587 number SMPTuseSSL = 1 string SMPTLogin = "" string SMPTpassword = "" // Asking for login credentials if ( SMPTLogin == "" || SMPTpassword == "" ) { if ( !GetString( "Enter mail server login", SMPTLogin, SMPTLogin ) ) return "" if ( !GetString( "Enter mail server password for '" + SMPTLogin + "'", SMPTpassword , SMPTpassword ) ) return "" } // The script below builds a PowerShell script String PSscript PSscript += "$EmailFrom = '" + from + "';\n" PSscript += "$EmailTo = '" + To + "';\n" PSscript += "$Subject = '" + Sub + "';\n" PSscript += "$Body = '" + Body + "';\n" PSscript += "$SMTPServer = '" + SMPTPServer + "';\n" PSscript += "$SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, " + SMPTport + ");\n" PSscript += "$SMTPClient.EnableSsl = " + ( SMPTuseSSL ? "$true" : "$false" ) + ";\n" PSscript += "$SMTPClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential( '" PSscript += SMPTLogin + "', '" + SMPTpassword + "' );\n" PSscript += "$SMTPClient.Send($EmailFrom, $EmailTo, $Subject, $Body);\n" return PSscript } void SendEmail( string From, string To, string Sub, string Body ) { // The script send to PowerShell string PSscript = BuildPowerShellScript_SendEmail( From, To, Sub, Body ) if ( PSscript == "" ) return // Build call-string for PowerShell String callString callString += "powershell" // The executable called // callString += " -NoExit" // Add this if you want to keep the Powershell console open callString += " -Command &{ " callString += PSscript callString += " }" OKDialog( "The following script is send to PowerShell:\n\n" + PSscript ) LaunchExternalProcess( callString, 10 ) // Call with 10sec timeout } SendEmail( "sender@DOMAIN.com", "recepient@DOMAIN.com", "Test-email subject line", "Hi. This is just a test." )