Transfer function, interactive
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Interactively draw and modify the contrast transfer function as a LinePlot.
Create a system response file
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Generates a relative system response to correct for non-linearities in a system's sensitivity over a wavelength range. Requires a known reference spectrum, e.g., from a temperature calibrated black body source or calculated transition radiation spectrum.
Interactive histogram
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Compute a histogram of the frontmost image and allow interactive change of histogram bins.
Change calibration units
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Switch dimension calibration units in an image (demonstrate simple custom dialog).
Annotation scaling
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Scale all of the annotations on an image by a requested factor.
Component example
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Add and read various text annotations (demonstrate usage of annotations in image documents).
Copying LinePlot styles
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Copy display properties of the frontmost LinePlot image to all other open LinePlot images.
Timebar on image
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Display a digital clock on the frontmost image (demonstrate periodic tasks).
Sine pattern
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Demonstrate the usage of icol and irow and setting a different color lookup table.