Octane Elite EDS 系统 Octane Elite SDD 的进展将探测器技术提升至一个全新高度。此系列探测器采用了新型氮化硅 (Si3N4) 窗口,使轻元素检测和低 kV 微区分析中的低能段灵敏度有了显著改善。 |
EDAX Octane Elect EDS System An enhanced energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) platform with the latest silicon drift detector (SDD) technology and high-speed electronics advancements. |
EDAX Element EDS System Delivers powerful energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analytical capability in a compact package, maximizing performance and flexibility while providing streamlined operation to guarantee fast results and ease of use. |
EDAX Clarity EBSD Detector Series The world’s first and only commercially available electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) detector with unparalleled performance as low as 3 kV. |
EDAX Velocity EBSD Camera Series Offers high-speed electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) mapping with the best indexing performance on real-world materials. |
Monarc CL 探测器 重新定义SEM上阴极荧光的表征能力。 |
ChromaCL2 iBSED 探测器 为您的扫描电子显微镜带来彩色阴极发光成像功能。 |
EDAX Lambda WDS Analysis System Combines the EDAX wavelength dispersive spectrometry (WDS) analysis software with state-of-the-art spectrometers for improved accuracy and precision, guaranteeing the best results for your materials analysis. |
Cipher System Cipher® – The first and only system that quantitatively reveals the distribution of lithium in scanning electron microscopes |
EDAX Pegasus (EDS-EBSD) System A world-class materials characterization solution that provides users with elemental composition and crystallographic orientation results in one easy-to-use package. |
EDAX Neptune (EDS-WDS) System By integrating energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and wavelength dispersive spectrometry (WDS) analytical techniques on a single platform, EDAX Neptune provides the power and flexibility of EDS with the resolution, precision, and detection limits of WDS. |
EDAX Trident (EDS-EBSD-WDS) System Combines the latest advances in energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), and wavelength dispersive spectrometry (WDS) in a single analytical tool. |
DigiScan 3 系统 利用数字化的电子束控制和图像处理来提高数字成像系统的质量。 |
OnPoint BSE 探测器 一款适用于 SEM 的高速低电压成像背散射电子探测器。 |
PECS II 精密离子刻蚀与镀膜系统 利用宽幅氩离子束对样品进行抛光和镀膜处理,从而得到高质量的SEM 成像和分析结果。 |
Solarus II 系统 新一代等离子清洗设备,去除TEM与SEM样品以及样品杆的碳氢化合物污染。 |
Ilion II 系统 采用低加速电压抛光制备无损的 SEM 截面样品。 |
冷冻样品台 采用液氦和液氮样品台来开展低温或温度相关研究,从而更好地了解您的电气和电子材料样品 。 |
Murano 原位实验样品台 专为原位研究设计的加热样品台 |
EDAX APEX Software for EDS Premier software program for collecting and analyzing energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) data and the compositional characterization of materials. |
EDAX APEX Software for EBSD Enables the characterization of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns within the user-friendly APEX software platform. |
EDAX OIM Analysis Software The premier microstructural visualization and analysis tool for interrogating and understanding electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) mapping data. |
EDAX APEX Software for WDS Combines the intuitive workflow of the APEX software platform with the analytical power of wavelength dispersive spectrometry (WDS) to provide the ultimate resolution and trace element analysis to users of all levels. |
Gatan Microscopy Suite Software The industry standard software for electron microscope experimental control and analysis. |