Plasmon peak position map going from diamond (yellow) to amorphous carbon (blue)
Paolo Longo, Ph.D., Gatan, Inc. Sample courtesy of Dr. Jaco Oliver at NMMU, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Microscope courtesy of NMMU, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Plasmon peak position map going from diamond (yellow) to amorphous carbon (blue)

Analysis of the changes in local carbon structure caused by self-implantation of carbon into diamond and chemistry.


Probe-corrected JEOL ARM 200 TEM/STEM microscope; S-FEG emission gun; GIF Quantum® ER system; voltage: 200 kV; STEM mode; EELS low-loss spectrum (0 – 500 eV) exposure time: 0.12 ms; EELS core-loss spectrum (300 – 2300 eV) exposure time: 12 ms ; convergence angle: 28 mrad; collection angle: 45 mrad; total exposure time: <5 min