Component example
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Add and read various text annotations (demonstrate usage of annotations in image documents).
Colorband spectrum image
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Generates an RGB image from a spectrum image with user-defined central wavelength and bandwidth. Useful for displaying spectrum image data.
Change calibration units
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Switch dimension calibration units in an image (demonstrate simple custom dialog).
Calling a Command-Line command from script and showing its output
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
The script uses the Command-Line command "ipconfig" and outputs its results into a new text window of DigitalMicrograph. The script is a useful blueprint for similar tasks that can be performed from the regular Windows Command-Line.
Bin 3D image
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Perform voxel binning in 3D images (demonstrate Slice3 command).
Bin 2D image
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Bin pixels in 2D images (demonstrate Slice2 command).
Annotation scaling
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Scale all of the annotations on an image by a requested factor.
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Make an image resembling a TEM image of an amorphous specimen.
Add scale-bar and intensity-bar
DigitalMicrograph - Gatan
Command example showing how scale-bar and intensity-bar annotations are created on an image.