What is in-situ microscopy?
In-situ transmission electron microscopy combines the image formation capabilities of the transmission electron microscope (TEM) with the application of one or more external stimuli to observe real-time sample dynamics. Currently, a wide variety of systems and holders are available to apply different stimuli to evaluate dynamics during electrical biasing, mechanical strain/deformation, heating, cooling, the introduction of gaseous or liquid environments, or simply intense electron beam irradiation.
Historically, movies of various reactions and system kinetics could be recorded onto video tape. Screen capture programs improved upon this allowing low-resolution, qualitative video capture to visualize what is happening at speeds up to video frame rates, e.g., 30 frames per second (fps).
Now with the advent of faster data transfer and processing capabilities, it is possible with Gatan’s IS cameras to record and manage large datasets directly from the sensor output. The original, quantitative data from each frame captured during an experimental session can be stored directly to disk and treated as individual images or played back as a video. Additionally, various algorithms or scripts (e.g., summing, drift correction, binning, etc.) can be applied post-capture to extract the most useful parts of the acquired data, as seen in the videos below. The built-in data management tools available with Gatan IS cameras allow data to be isolated and extracted easily so that post-processing data analysis can be performed to quantify the observed effects of the stimuli applied to the system. This data capture and post-processing workflow greatly increase the number of experiments that can be performed during a microscopy session. This increase enables previously unachievable resolution in time and space, with sub-ms time resolution, allows reactions to be studied that had been too fast to capture, and makes it possible to resolve dynamics that previously were unknown.
This data shows both the stability of the combination of a Gatan OneView® IS camera with a DENSsolutions Wildfire heating holder at 1300 ⁰C. A change in particle shape is captured with good spatial and temporal resolution immediately following a temperature change. It was not known a-priori which particle(s) might transform, but all these particles could be observed with the same spatial resolution simultaneously due to the large field of view of the OneView IS camera.
The main video is played back at 10x speed, but the shape transformation of the particle is played back at 2x speed. The inset is also zoomed in, to show that lattice fringes were resolved.
This video has not been drift corrected or cropped. Frames were averaged together to improve the signal-to-noise of the video. Sample: Ru on SiO2. To download full resolution version of the video, please click here.
The thin-film sintering of Au sputtered on SiNx was captured with Gatan's Rio™ 16 IS camera. The sample was heated to 650 ⁰C using a DENSsolutions Wildfire heating holder. This video has been drift corrected and cropped using the IS player within Gatan Microscopy Suite® software. To download full resolution version of the video, please click here.
This data shows the movement of individual atomic columns on the surface of a small CeO2 nanoparticle at 400 fps. The movement was induced by the incident electron beam at room temperature. The temporal resolution of the K2® IS camera enables these movements to be seen.
The video plays back at two different speeds (1/2 and 1/10 real speed) so that one section of the video where significant movement takes place can be watched in detail. Even during this slow section, a few frames are skipped, because the video frame rate is 30 fps, while the data is still 40 fps at 1/10th speed.
This video has been drift corrected, background-subtracted, filtered, and cropped. To download full resolution version of the video, please click here.
The cutting-edge counting camera for groundbreaking imaging, diffraction, and in-situ studies.
DigitalMicrograph, also known as Gatan Microscopy Suite, drives your digital cameras and surrounding components to support key applications including tomography, in-situ, spectrum and diffraction imaging, plus more.
Preserve sample integrity with controlled transfer from an inert environment to the TEM.
A powerful tool that expands the utility of your Gatan camera to address 4D STEM diffraction studies.
Single and double tilt heating holders for direct observation of microstructural phase changes, nucleation, growth, and dissolution processes.
Electron counting for all your EELS, EFTEM, and energy-filtered 4D STEM applications.
Facilitate your HREM assays by automatically adjusting the critical imaging parameters of a TEM microscope focus, stigmation, and beam tilt.
Gatan’s latest CMOS camera that with its resolution, speed, and ease of use will revolutionize electron microscopy.
Quantify microstructural changes in materials due to applied mechanical loading.
Diffraction analysis package (DIFPACK) to automate the selection area of your electron diffraction (SAED) patterns and high resolution lattice images of crystalline samples.
Broad argon ion beam system designed to polish and coat samples for SEM imaging and analytical techniques.
The EELS and EFTEM systems ideal for multiuser facilities, now with the Stela hybrid-pixel option.
The high-performance scintillator camera that elevates your everyday transmission electron microscopy
GIF Continuum K3 IS: Advanced Direct Detection for In-Situ Chemical Analysis
Capturing, Processing, and Synchronizing In-Situ EELS Data
Continuum IS: Versatile time-resolved data collection webinar
Continuously acquired 4D STEM and EELS spectrum images for in-situ microscopy webinar
High-resolution imaging of lithium-ion battery materials
Capturing low-dose images, in-situ video, and diffraction data with the Metro counting camera
Metro captures 4D STEM data with sharper detail
The Metro camera distinguishes higher quality diffraction
Metro camera's 2k field of view
Low dose imaging of a beam-sensitive Zeolite sample
Hopfion rings in a cubic chiral magnet
Zheng, F.; Kiselev, N. S.; Rybakov, F. N.; Yang, L.; Shi, W.; Blügel, S.; Dunin-Borkowski, R. E.
Reassessing chain tilt in the lamellar crystals of polyethylene
Kanomi, S.; Marubayashi, H.; Miyata, T.; Jinnai, H.
Reassessing chain tilt in the lamellar crystals of polyethylene
Kanomi, S.; Marubayashi, H.; Miyata, T.; Jinnai, H.
Intermetallic nanocrystal discovery through modulation of atom stacking hierarchy
Du, J. S.; Dravid, V. P.; Mirkin, C. A.
How to get something out of nothing (almost!): Extracting information from noisy data
Crozier, P. A.
Shimizu, T.; Lungerich, D.; Harano, K.; Nakamura, E.
Hasegawa, S.; Masuda, S.; Takano, S.; Harano, K.; Tsukuda, T.
Metastable hexagonal close-packed palladium hydride in liquid cell TEM
Hong, J.; Bae, J. -H.; Jo, H.; Park, H. -Y.; Lee, S.; Hong, S. J.; Chun, H.; Cho, M. K.; Kim, J.; Kim, J.; Son, Y.; Jin, H.; Suh, J. -Y.; Kim, S. -C.; Roh, H. -K.; Lee, K. H.; Kim, H. -S.; Chung, K. Y.; Yoon, C. W.; Lee, K.; Kim, S. H.; Ahn, J. -P.; Baik, H.; Kim, G. H.; Han, B.; Jin, S.; Hyeon, T.; Park, J.; Son, C. Y.; Yang, Y.; Lee, Y. -S.; Yoo, S. J.; Chun, D. W.
Liu, D.; Kowashi, S.; Nakamuro, T.; Lungerich, D.; Yamanouchi, K.; Harano, K.; Nakamura, E.
Kim, S. C.; Huang, W.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, J.; Kim, Y.; Jeong, Y. K.; Oyakhire, S. T.; Yang, Y.; Cui, Y.
Lattice-resolution, dynamic imaging of hydrogen absorption into bimetallic AgPd nanoparticles
Angell, D. K.; Bourgeois, B.; Vadai, M.; Dionne, J. A.
Suspension electrolyte with modified Li+ solvation environment for lithium metal batteries
Kim, M. S.; Zhang, Z.; Rudnicki, P. E.; Yu, Z.; Wang, J.; Wang, H.; Oyakhire, S. T.; Chen, Y.; Kim, S. C.; Zhang, W.; Boyle, D. T.; Kong, X.; Xu, R.; Huang, Z.; Huang, W.; Bent, S. F.; Wang, L. -W.; Qin, J.; Bao, Z.; Cui , Y.
Rational solvent molecule tuning for high-performance lithium metal battery electrolytes
Yu, Z.; Rudnicki, P. E.; Zhang, Z.; Huang, Z.; Celik, H.; Oyakhire, S. T.; Chen, Y.; Kong, X.; Kim, S. C.; Xiao, X.; Wang, H.; Zheng, Y.; Kamat, G. A.; Kim, M. S.; Bent, S. F.; Qin, J.; Cui, Y.; Bao, Z.
Capturing the swelling of solid-electrolyte interphase in lithium metal batteries
Zhang, Z.; Li, Y.; Xu, R.; Zhou, W.; Li, Y.; Oyakhire, S. T.; Wu, Y.; Xu, J.; Wang, H.; Yu, Z.; Boyle, D. T.; Huang, W.; Ye, Y.; Chen, H.; Wan, J.; Bao, Z.; Chiu, W.; Cui, Y.
Capturing the swelling of solid-electrolyte interphase in lithium metal batteries
Zhang, Z.; Li, Y.; Xu, R.; Zhou, W.; Li, Y.; Oyakhire, S. T.; Wu, Y.; Xu, J.; Wang, H.; Yu, Z.; Boyle, D. T.; Huang, W.; Ye, Y.; Chen, H.; Wan, J.; Bao, Z.; Chiu, W.; Cui, Y.
Electric field control of chirality
Behera, P.; May, M. A.; Gomez-Ortiz, F.; Susarla, S.; Das, S.; Nelson, C. T.; Caretta, L.; Hsu, S. -L.; McCarter, M. R.; Savitzky, B. H.; Barnard, E. S.; Raja, A.; Hong, Z.; Garcia-Fernandez, P.; Lovesey, S. W.; Van der Laan, G.; Ercius, P.; Ophus, C.; Martin, L. W.; Junquera, J.; Raschke, M. B.; Ramesh, R.
De novo synthesis of free-standing flexible 2-D intercalated nanofilm uniform over tens of cm2
Ravat, P.; Uchida, H.; Sekine, R.; Kamei, K.; Yamamoto, A.; Konovalov, O.; Tanaka, M.; Yamada, T.; Harano, K.; Nakamura, E.
Spatial mapping of electrostatic fields in 2D heterostructures
Murthy, A. A.; Ribet, S. M.; Stanev, T. K.; Liu, P.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Stern, N. P.; dos Reis, R.; Dravid, V. P.
Electron crystallographic investigation of crystals on the mesostructural scale
Mao, W.; Bao, C.; Han, L.
Atomic-number (Z)-correlated atomic sizes for deciphering electron microscopic molecular images
Xing, J.; Takeuchi, K.; Kamei, K.; Nakamuro, T.; Harano, K.; Nakamura, E.
Nanodiffraction imaging of polymer crystals
Kanomi, S.; Marubayashi, H.; Miyata, T.; Tsuda, K.; Jinnai, H.
Lin, Z.; Wu, C.; He, H.; Jiang, S.; Ren, F.; Cao, L.; Huang, Z.; Zhang, J.
Local chemical fluctuation mediated ductility in body-centered-cubic high-entropy alloys
Bu, Y.; Wu, Y.; Lei, Z.; Yuan, X.; Wu, H.; Feng, X.; Liu, J.; Ding, J.; Lu, Y.; Wang, H.; Lu, Z.; Yang, W.
Lungerich, D.; Hoelzel, H.; Harano, K.; Jux, N.; Amsharov, K. Y.; Nakamura, E.
Intrinsic helical twist and chirality in ultrathin tellurium nanowires
Londoño-Calderon, A.; Williams, D. J.; Schneider, M. M.; Savitzky, B. H.; Ophus, C.; Ma, S.; Zhud, H.; Pettes, M. T.
Direct visualization of the earliest stages of crystallization
Singh, M. K.; Ghosh, C.; Miller, B.; Carter, C. B.
Dual-solvent Li-ion solvation enables high-performance Li-metal batteries
Wang, H.; Yu, Z.; Kong, X.; Huang, W.; Zhang, Z.; Mackanic, D. G.; Huang, X.; Qin, J.; Bao, Z.; Cui. Y.
Mir, A. H.; Hyatt, N. C.; Donnelly, S. E.
Hasegawa, S.; Takano, S.; Harano, K.; Tsukuda, T.
Hasegawa, S.; Takano, S.; Harano, K.; Tsukuda, T.
Rim binding of cyclodextrins in size-sensitive guest recognition
Hanayama, H.; Yamada, J.; Tomotsuka, I.; Harano, K.; Nakamura, E.
Corrosion of lithium metal anodes during calendar ageing and its microscopic origins
Boyle, D. T.; Huang, W.; Wang, H.; Li, Y.; Chen, H.; Yu, Z.; Zhang, W.; Bao, Z.; Cui, Y.
Few-nm-sized, phase-pure Au5Sn intermetallic nanoparticles: synthesis and characterization
Osugi, S.; Takano, S.; Masuda, S.; Harano, K.; Tsukuda, T.
Mapping grains, boundaries, and defects in 2D covalent organic framework thin films
Castano, I.; Evans, A. M.; dos Reis, R,; Dravid, V. P.; Gianneschi, N. C.; Dichtel, W. R.
Sekine, R.; Ravat, P.; Yanagisawa, H.; Liu, C.; Kikkawa, M.; Harano, K.; Nakamura, E.
SINGLE: Atomic-resolution structure identification of nanocrystals by graphene liquid cell EM
Reboul, C. F.; Heo, J.; Machello, C.; Kiesewetter, S.; Kim, B. H.; Kim, S.; Elmlund, D.; Ercius, P.; Park, J.; Elmlund, H.
4D imaging of soft matter in liquid water
Marchello, G.; De Pace, C.; Acosta-Gutierrez, S.; Lopez-Vazquez, C.; Wilkinson, N.; Gervasio, F. L.; Ruiz-Perez, L.; Giuseppe Battaglia, G.
Capturing the moment of emergence of crystal nucleus from disorder
Nakamuro, T.; Sakakibara, M.; Nada, H.; Harano, K.;Nakamura, E.
Spatial mapping of electrostatics and dynamics across 2D heterostructures
Murthy, A. A.; Stanev, T. K.; Ribet, S. M.; Liu, P.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Stern, N. P.; dos Reis, R.; Dravid, V. P.
Electronically coupled 2D polymer/MoS2 heterostructures
Balch, H. B., Evans, A. M., Dasari, R. R., Li, H., Li, R., Thomas, S., Wang, Q., Bisbey, R. P., Slicker, K., Castano, I., Xun, S., Jiang, L., Zhu, C., Gianneschi, N., Ralph, D. C., Brédas, J-L., Marder, S. R., Dichtel, W. R., Wang, F.
Cathode-electrolyte interphase in lithium batteries revealed by cryogenic electron microscopy
Zhang, Z.; Yang, J.; Huang, W.; Wang, H.; Zhou, W.; Li, Y.; Li, Y.; Xu, J.; Huang, W.; Chiu, W.
Kratish, Y.; Nakamuro, T.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Tomotsuka, I.; Harano, K.; Nakamura, E.; Marks, T. J.
Imaging arrangements of discrete ions at liquid−solid interfaces
Li, H. -K.; de Souza, J. P.; Zhang, Z.; Martis, J.; Sendgikoski, K.; Cumings, J.; Bazant, M. Z.; Majumdar, A.
In situ TEM study of crystallization and chemical changes in an oxidized uncapped Ge2Sb2Te5 film
Singh, M. K.; Ghosh, C.; Miller, B.; Kotula, P. G.; Tripathi, S.; Watt, J.; Bakan, G.; Silva, H.; Carter, C. B.
Inside polyMOFs: Layered structures in polymer-based metal–organic frameworks
Bentz, K. C., Gnanasekaran, K., Bailey, J. B. Ayala, S., Tezcan, F. A., Gianneschi, N. C., Cohen, S. M.
Aryl radical addition to curvatures of carbon nanohorns for single-molecule level molecular imaging
Kamei, K.; Shimizu, T.; Harano, K.; Nakamura, E.
Kim, Y. -J.; Lee, Y.; Kim, K.; Kwon, O. -H.
Effect of adventitious carbon on pit formation of monolayer MoS2
Park, S.; Siahrostami, S.; Park, J.; Mostaghimi, A. H. B.; Kim, T. R.; Vallez, L.; Gill, T. M.; Park, W.; Goodson, K. E.; Sinclair, R.; Zheng, X.
Stuckner, J.; Shimizu, T.; Harano, K.; Nakamura, E.; Murayama, M.
Gnanasekaran, K., Vailonis, K. M., Jenkins, D. M., Gianneschi, N. C.
Shimizu, T.; Lungerich, D.; Stuckner, J.; Murayama, M.; Harano, K.; Nakamura, E.
Cyclodextrins as surfactants for solubilization and purification of carbon nanohorn aggregates
Hanayama, H.; Yamada, J.; Harano, K.; Nakamura, E.
Decoding the stoichiometric composition and organisation of bacterial metabolosomes
Yang, M.; Simpson, D. M.; Wenner, N.; Brownridge, P.; Harman, V. M.; Hinton, J. C. D.; Beynon, R. J.; Liu , L. -N.
1D to 2D transition in tellurium observed by 4D electron microscopy
Londoño-Calderon, A.; Williams, D. J.; Ophus, C.; Pettes, M. T.
Murthy, A. A.; Stanev, T. K.; dos Reis, R.; Hao, S.; Wolverton, C.; Stern, N. P.; Dravid, V. P.
Unveiling the microscopic origins of phase transformations: An in situ TEM perspective
Yu, L.; Hudak, B. M.; Ullah, A.; Thomas, M. P.; Porter, C. C.; Thisera, A.; Pham, R. H.; Goonatilleke, M. D. A.; Guiton, B. S.
Ogata, A. F.; Rakowski, A. M.; Carpenter, B. P.; Fishman, D. A.; Merham, J. G.; Hurst, P. J.; Patterson, J. P.
Errokh, A.; Magnin, A.; Putaux, J. -L.; Boufi, S.
Nam, K. W.; Park, S. S.; dos Reis, R.; Dravid, V. P. Kim, H.; Mirkin, C. A.; Stoddart, J. F.
Gao, W.; Addiego, C.; Wang, H,; Yan, X.; Hou, Y.; Ji, D.; Heikes, C.; Zhang, Y.; Li, L.; Huyan, H.; Blum, T.; Aoki, T.; Nie, Y.; Schlom, D.; Wu, R.; Pan, X.
He, L.; Ji, Y.; Ren, S.; Zhao, L.; Luo, H.; Liu, C.; Hao, Y.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, L.; Ren, X.
Recent progress of in situ transmission electron microscopy for energy materials
Chao Zhang, C.; Firestein, K. L.; Fernando, J. F. S.; Siriwardena, D.; von Treifeldt, J. E.; Golberg, D.
Electron microdiffraction reveals the nanoscale twist geometry of cellulose nanocrystals
Ogawa, Y.
Atomistic structures and dynamics of prenucleation clusters in MOF-2 and MOF-5 syntheses
Xing, J.; Schweighauser, L.; Okada, S.; Harano, K.; Nakamura, E.
Quantifying inactive lithium in lithium metal batteries
Fang, C.; Li, J.; Zhang, M.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, F.; Lee, J. Z.; Lee, L. M. -H.; Alvarado, J.; Schroeder, M. A.; Yang, Y.; Lu, B.; Williams, N.; Ceja, M.; Yang, L.; Cai, M.; Gu, J.; Xu, K.; Wang, X.; Meng, Y. S.
Formation of two-dimensional transition metal oxide nanosheets with nanoparticles as intermediates
Yang, J.; Zeng, Z.; Kang, J.; Betzler, S.; Czarnik, C.; Zhang, X.; Ophus, C.; Yu, C.; Bustillo, K.; Pan, M.; Qiu, J.; Wang, L. -W.; Zheng, H.
Wang, H.; Liu, Z.; Liu, H.; Guan, L.; Cao, X.; Zhang, Z.; Huang, Y.; Jin, C.
Su, T.; Hood, Z. D.; Naguib, M.; Bai, L.; Luo, S.; Rouleau, C. M.; Ivanov, I. N.; Ji, H.; Qin, Z.; Wu, Z.
Thermal stability and irradiation response of nanocrystalline CoCrCuFeNi high-entropy alloy
Zhang, Y.; Tunes, M. A.; Crespillo, M. L.; Zhang, F.; Boldman, W. L.; Rack, P. D.; Jiang, L.; Xu, C.; Greaves, G.; Donnelly, S. E.; Wang, L.; Weber, W. J.
Yang, W. -C. D.; Wang, C.; Fredin, L. A.; Lin, P. A.; Shimomoto, L.; Lezec, H. J.; Sharma, R.
Off-axis electron holography for imaging the magnetic behavior of vortex-state minerals
Almeida, T. P.; Muxworthy, A. R.; Williams, W.; Kasama, T.; Kovács, A.; Dunin-Borkowski, R. E.
Mechanical response of gasoline soot nanoparticles under compression: An in situ TEM study
Jenei, I. Z.; Dassenoy, F.; Epicier, T.; Khajeh, A.; Martinic, A.; Uy, D.; Ghaednia, H.; Gangopadhyay, A.
Attapulgite-CeO2/MoS2 ternary nanocomposite for photocatalytic oxidative desulfurization
Li, X.; Zhang, Z.; Yao, C.; Lu, X.; Zhao, X.; Ni, C.
Nanoscale mosaicity revealed in peptide microcrystals by scanning electron nanodiffraction
Gallagher-Jones, M.; Ophus, C.; Bustillo, K. C.; Boyer, D. R.; Panova, O.; Glynn, C.; Zee, C., -T.; Ciston, J.; Mancia, K. C.; Minor, A. M.; Rodriguez, J. A.
Surface crystallization of liquid Au–Si and its impact on catalysis
Panciera, F.; Tersoff, J.; Gamalski, A. D.; Reuter, M. C.; Zakharov, D.; Stach, E. A.; Hofmann, S.; Ross, F. M
Layered-structure SbPO4/reduced graphene oxide: An advanced anode material for sodium ion batteries
Pan, J.; Chen, S.; Fu, Q.; Sun, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Lin, N.; Gao, P.; Yang, J.; Qian, Y.
In situ protein micro-crystal fabrication by cryo-FIB for electron diffraction
Li, X.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, J.; Sun, F.
Gao, W.; Wu, J.; Yoon, A.; Lu, P.; Qi, L.; Wen, J.; Miller, D. J.; Mabon, J. C.; Wilson, W. L.; Yang, H.; Zuo, J. -M.
Atomic step flow on a nanofacet
Harmand, J. -C.; Patriarche, G.; Glas, F.; Panciera, F.; Florea, I.; Maurice, J. -L.; Travers, L.; Ollivier, Y.
A high-entropy alloy with hierarchical nanoprecipitates and ultrahigh strength
Fu, Z.; Jiang, L.; Wardini, J. L.; MacDonald, B. E.; Wen, H.; Xiong, W.; Zhang, D.; Zhou, Y.; Rupert, T. J.; Chen, W.; Lavernia, E. J.
Pan, J.; Chen, S.; Zhang, D.; Xu, X.; Sun, Y.; Tian, F.; Gao, P.; Yang, J.
Jung, H. J.; Kim, D.; Kim, S.; Park, J.; Dravid, V. P.; Shin, B.
In situ kinetic and thermodynamic growth control of Au–Pd core–shell nanoparticles
Tan, S. F.; Bisht, G.; Anand, U.; Bosman, M.; Yong, X. E.; Mirsaidov, U.
Yasin, F. S.; Harvey, T. R.; Chess, J. J.; Pierce, J. S.; Ophus, C.; Ercius, P.; McMorran, B. J.
Zeng, L.; Gammer, C.; Ozdol, B.; Nordqvist, T.; Nygård, J.; Krogstrup, P.; Minor, A. M.; Jäger, W.; Olsson, E.
In situ observation of resistive switching in an asymmetric graphene oxide bilayer structure
Kim, S.; Jung, H. J.; Kim, J. C.; Lee, K. -S.; Park, S. S.; Dravid, V. P.; He, K.; Jeong, H. Y.
Yu, J.; Yuan, W.; Yang, H.; Xu, Q.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Z.
Local nanoscale strain mapping of a metallic glass during in situ testing
Gammer, C.; Ophus, C.; Pekin, T. C.; Eckert, J.; Minor, A. M.
de Boisse, B. M.; Nishimura, S.; Watanabe, E.; Lander, L.; Tsuchimoto, A.; Kikkawa, J.; Kobayashi, E.; Asakura, D.; Okubo, M.; Yamada, A.
Tsukasaki, H.; Mori, Y.; Otoyama, M.; Yubuchi, S.; Asano, T.; Tanaka, Y.; Ohno, T.; Mori, S.; Hayashi, A.; Tatsumisago, M.
Facile synthesis and superior catalytic activity of nano-TiN@N–C for hydrogen storage in NaAlH4
Zhang, X.; Ren, Z.; Lu, Y.; Yao, J.; Gao, M.; Liu, Y.; Pan, H.
Ionic conductivity and crystallization process in the Li2S–P2S5 glass electrolyte
Tsukasaki, H.; Mori, S.;Shiotani, S.; Yamamura, H.
Nanoparticle interactions guided by shape‐dependent hydrophobic forces
Tan, S. F.; Raj, S.; Bisht, G.; Annadata, H. V.; Nijhuis, C. A.; Král, P.; Mirsaidov, U.
Mapping thermal expansion coefficients in freestanding 2D materials at the nanometer scale
Hu, X.; Yasaei, P.; Jokisaari, J.; Öğüt, S.; Salehi-Khojin, A.; Klie, R. F.
Ogata, K.; Jeon, S.; Ko, D.-S.; Jung, I. S.; Kim, J. H.; Ito, K.; Kubo, Y.; Takei, K.; Saito, S.; Cho, Y.-H.; Park, H.; Jang, J.; Kim, H.-G.; Kim, J. -H.; Kim, Y. S.; Choi, W.; Koh, M.; Uosaki, K.; Doo, S. G.; Hwang, Y.; Han, S.
Hou, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Xu, G.; Gong, C.; Ding, B.; Wang, Y.; Li, H.; Liu, E.; Xu, F.; Zhang, H.; Yao, Y.; Wu, G.; Zhang, X. - X.; Wang, W.
First transparent oxide ion conducting ceramics synthesized by full crystallization from glass
Boyer, M.; Yang, X.; Carrión, A. J. F.; Wang, Q.; Véron, E.; Genevois, C.; Hennet, L.; Matzen, G.; Suard, E.; Thiaudière, D.; Castro, C.; Pelloquin, D.; Kong, L. B.; Kuang, X.; Allix, M.
Direct microscopic analysis of individual C60 dimerization events: Kinetics and mechanisms
Okada, S.; Kowashi, S.; Schweighauser, L.; Yamanouchi, K.; Harano, K.; Nakamura, E.
Tsukasaki, H.; Otoyama, M.; Mori, Y.; Mori, S.; Morimoto, H.; Hayashi, A.; Tatsumisago, M.
Atomic structure of sensitive battery materials and interfaces revealed by cryo–electron microscopy
Li, Y.; Li.; Y.; Pei, A.; Yan, K.; Sun, Y.; Wu, C. -L; Joubert, L. -M.; Chin, R.; Koh, A. L.; Yu, Y.; Perrino, J.; Butz, B.; Chu, S.; Cui, Y.
Magnetic antiskyrmions above room temperature in tetragonal Heusler materials
Nayak, A. K.; Kumar, V.; Ma, T.; Werner, P.; Pippel, E.; Sahoo, R.; Damay, F.; Rößler, U. K.; Felser, C.; Parkin, S. S. P.
Han, C. W.; Choksi, T.; Milligan, C.; Majumdar, P.; Manto, M.; Cui, Y.; Sang, X.; Unocic, R. R.; Zemlyanov, D.; Wang, C.; Ribeiro, F. H.; Greeley, J.; Ortalan, V.
Direct observation of a non-crystalline state of Li2S–P2S5 solid electrolytes
Tsukasaki, H.; Mori, S.; Morimoto, H.; Hayashi, A.; Tatsumisago , M.
In situ observation of twin boundary sliding in single crystalline Cu nanowires
Yue, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, X.; Yang, Z.; Yin, P.; Guo, L.
Hwang, S.; Lee, Y.; Jo, E.; Chung, K. Y.; Choi, W.; Kim, S. M.; Chang, W.
Vertical graphene growth on SiO microparticles for stable lithium ion battery anodes
Shi, L.; Pang, C.; Chen, S.; Wang, M.; Wang, K.; Tan, Z.; Gao, P.; Ren, J.; Huang. Y.; Peng, H.; Liu, Z.
Geng, G.; Chen, P.; Guan, B.; Jiang, L.; Xu, Z.; Di, D.; Tu, Z.; Hao, W.; Yi, Y.; Chen, C.; Liu, M.; Hu, W.
Rao, J. C.; Diao, H. Y.; Ocelík, V.; Vainchtein, D.; Zhang, C.; Kuo, C.; Tang, Z.; Guo, W.; Poplawsky, J. D.; Zhou, Y.; Liaw, P. K.; De Hosson, J. Th. M.
Origin of zero and negative thermal expansion in severely-deformed superelastic NiTi alloy
Ahadi, A.; Matsushita, Y.; Sawaguchi, T.; Sun, Q. P.; Tsuchiya, K.
Interlayer‐expanded vanadium oxychloride as an electrode material for magnesium‐based batteries
Minella, C. B.; Gao, P.; Zhao‐Karger, Z.; Mu, X.; Diemant, T.; Pfeifer, M.; Chakravadhanula, V. S. K.; Behm, R. J.; Fichtner, M.
Nanoscale engineering in VO2 nanowires via direct electron writing process
Zhang, Z.; Guo, H.; Ding, W.; Zhang, B.; Lu, Y.; Ke, X.; Liu, W.; Chen, F.; Sui, M.
Asayesh-Ardakani, H.; Yao, W.; Nie, A.; Marley, P. M.; Braham, E.; Klie, R. F.; Banerjee, S.; Shahbazian-Yassar, R.
Simple synthesis of highly uniform bilayer-carbon nanocages
Ziolkowska, D. A.; Jangam, J. S. Dilip; Rudakov, G.; Paronyan, T.; Akhtar, M.; Sumanasekera, G.; Jasinski, J. B.
Nanoscale iron nitride, ε-Fe3N: Preparation from liquid ammonia and magnetic properties
Zieschang, A. -M.; Bocarsly, J. D.; Dürrschnabel, M.; Molina-Luna, L.; Kleebe, H. -J.; Seshadri, R.; Albert, B.
Synthesis engineering of iron oxide raspberry-shaped nanostructures
Gerber, O.; Pichon, B. P.; Ihiawakrim, D.; Florea, I.; Moldovan, S.; Ersen, O.; Begin, D.; Grenèche, J. -M.; Lemonnier, S.; Barraud, E.; Begin-Colin, S.
Koh, A. L.; Gidcumb, E.; Zhou, O.; Sinclair, R.
Liu, H.; Bugnet, M.; Tessaro, M. Z.; Harris, K. J.; Dunham, M. J. R.; Jiang, M.; Goward, G. R.; Botton, G. A.
In situ XRD and TEM studies of sol-gel-based synthesis of LiFePO4
Ziolkowska, D. A.; Jasinski, J. B.; Hamankiewicz, B.; Korona, K. P.; Wu, S. -H.; Czerwinsk, A.
The chemistry and structural thermal stability of hole-doped single crystalline SnSe
Zhang, B.; Peng, K.; Li, A.; Zhou, X.; Chen, Y.; Deng, Q.; Han, X.
Shibata, K.; Kovács, A.; Kanazawa, N.; Dunin-Borkowski, R. E.; Tokura, Y.
Eggeler, Y. M.; Müller, J.; Titus, M. S.; Suzuki, A.; Pollock, T. M.; Spiecker, E.
Thermal stability comparison of nanocrystalline Fe-based binary alloy pairs
Clark, B. G.; Hattar, K. M.; Marshall, M. T.; Chookajorn, T.; Boyce, B. L.; Schuh, C. A.
Chen, Y. -J.; Zhang, B.; Ding, Q. -Q.; Deng, Q. -S.; Chen, Y.; Song, Z. -T.; Li, J. -X.; Zhang, Z.; Han, X. -D.
van den Berg, R.; Elkjaer, C. F.; Gommes, C. J.; Chorkendorff, I.; Sehested, J.; de Jongh, P. E.; de Jong, K. P.; Helveg, S.
Petrenec, M.; Polák, J.; Šamořil, T.; Dluhoš, J.; Obrtlík, K.