TEM In-Situ Software
In-Situ Explorer In-Situ Explorer

Full in-situ control and data handling within Gatan Microscopy Suite software.

TEM Holder Systems
Heating In-Situ Holders Heating In-Situ Holders

Single and double tilt heating holders for direct observation of microstructural phase changes, nucleation, growth, and dissolution processes.

Cooling In-Situ Holders Cooling In-Situ Holders

Optimized for low temperature observation of in-situ phase transitions.

Cryo-Transfer Holders Cryo-Transfer Holders

Ideal for low-temperature transfer of frozen-hydrated specimens.

654 Holder Straining In-Situ Holders

Quantify microstructural changes in materials due to applied mechanical loading.

Analytical Holders Analytical Holders

Optimized for EDS analysis at ambient temperature.

Tomography Holders Tomography Holders

High tilt and dual orientation holders for tomography applications.

Multiple Specimen Holders Multiple Specimen Holders

Accommodate multiple specimens for increased productivity.

Turbo Pumping Station Turbo Pumping Station

Vacuum storage of holders and specimens, regeneration of cryo-specimen holders.

Vacuum Transfer Holders Vacuum Transfer Holders

Preserve sample integrity with controlled transfer from an inert environment to the TEM.

GIF Continuum and Continuum S GIF Continuum and Continuum S

The next generation of advanced systems for EELS & EFTEM.

GIF Continuum K3 System GIF Continuum K3 System

Electron counting for all your EELS, EFTEM, and energy-filtered 4D STEM applications.

GIF Continuum ER/HR with Stela System GIF Continuum ER/HR with Stela System

The EELS and EFTEM systems ideal for multiuser facilities, now with the Stela hybrid-pixel option.

Continuum IS Upgrade Continuum IS Upgrade

The ultimate tool for in-situ electron microscopy

BioContinuum HD Imaging Filter BioContinuum HD Imaging Filter

The best-in-class imaging filter for cryo-EM is now available with EELS and EFTEM.

BioContinuum Imaging Filter BioContinuum Imaging Filter

Optimized for cryo-EM and cryo-ET to gain further insight into system function and disease progression at the molecular level.

EDAX EDS Powered by Gatan EDAX EDS Powered by Gatan

The most intuitive and easy-to-use analytical tool for (scanning) transmission electron microscope (STEM) applications. 

Digital Imaging Cameras
K3 IS Camera K3 IS Camera

The world’s first counting, high-speed, large-format camera for in-situ microscopy.

K3 Cameras K3 Cameras

The new imaging performance benchmark for direct detection cameras.

Metro In-Situ Counting Camera

The cutting-edge counting camera for groundbreaking imaging, diffraction, and in-situ studies.

Alpine Direct Detection Camera Alpine Direct Detection Cameras

The world’s first direct detection cameras to democratize cryo-EM.

Stela Hybrid-Pixel Camera Stela Hybrid-Pixel Camera

The only fully integrated hybrid-pixel electron detector with the Gatan Microscopy Suite software for advanced electron diffraction studies.

ClearView Camera ClearView Camera

The high-performance scintillator camera that elevates your everyday transmission electron microscopy

Rio camera Rio Camera

Gatan’s latest CMOS camera that with its resolution, speed, and ease of use will revolutionize electron microscopy.

STEM Imaging Systems
STEMx System STEMx System

A powerful tool that adds 4D STEM diffraction capabilities to your existing Gatan in-situ camera.

High-angle annular dark field (HAADF), annular dark field (ADF) plus bright and dark field (BF/DF) detectors Advanced STEM Detectors

High-angle annular dark field (HAADF), annular dark field (ADF) plus bright and dark field (BF/DF) detectors for STEM imaging optimized for electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS).

STEMPack Spectrum Imaging STEMPack Spectrum Imaging

A powerful method of obtaining detailed analytic data from a sample on an electron microscope equipped with scanning mode.  

DigiScan 3 System

Digital beam control and image processing to enhance the photographic quality of your digital images.

STEM Cathodoluminescence
Monarc Pro T System Monarc Pro T System

Enabling optically-coupled transmission electron microscopy to reveal nanoscale structural, optical, and electronic properties

Digital Imaging Software
Latitude S Software Latitude S Software

Sets a new standard for the efficient, high-throughput collection of low-dose, single-particle, cryo-EM datasets from Gatan’s cameras.

Latitude D Software Latitude D Software

Delivers the efficiency and high-throughput data collection that you expect from Latitude software to MicroED studies.

TEM AutoTune Software TEM AutoTune Software

Automates adjustment of focus, astigmatism, and misalignment.

DigitalMontage Software DigitalMontage Software

Stage and optics control so you can seamlessly stitch images together.

HREM AutoTune HREM AutoTune Software

Facilitate your HREM assays by automatically adjusting the critical imaging parameters of a TEM microscope focus, stigmation, and beam tilt. 


Diffraction analysis package (DIFPACK) to automate the selection area of your electron diffraction (SAED) patterns and high resolution lattice images of crystalline samples.

HoloWorksソフトウェア HoloWorks Software

Computes live phase images from live holograms, allows for live phase unwrapping and provides image stack acquisition and stack processing (including sample and interference-fringe drift correction) enabling high-resolution phase images at the 2pi/1000 level.

EELS Advisor EELS Advisor

Simulation tool to eliminate the guesswork from your EELS and EFTEM compositional mapping experiments.

Advanced AutoFilter Suite Advanced AutoFilter Suite

Automates your multi-element EELS and EFTEM data acquisition experiments.

TEM Specimen Preparation
PIPS II System PIPS II System

Precision ion polishing system for precise centering, control, and reproducibility of your milling process.

Dimple Grinder II Dimple Grinder II

Fast and reliable mechanical method of pre-thinning to near electron transparency to greatly reduce your ion milling times and uneven thinning.

Solarus II System Solarus II Plasma Cleaner

The next-generation plasma tool to remove hydrocarbon contamination from TEM and SEM samples and holders.

Disc Punch Disc Punch

Preferred method for cutting transmission electron microscope (TEM) discs from metals, alloys, and all ductile materials.

Disc Grinder System Disc Grinder

Pre-thin and polish your samples to reduce ion milling times and improve quality.

Ultrasonic Cutter Ultrasonic Cutter

Cut your brittle materials beyond the 3 mm transmission electron microscope (TEM) disc to accurately cut holes or unique shapes.

Cross Section Kit Cross Section Kit

Ideal for preparing cross sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) samples of semiconductor devices, thin films of various substrates, and composites.

TEM Analysis
Gatan Microscopy Suite Software DigitalMicrograph Software

DigitalMicrograph, also known as Gatan Microscopy Suite, drives your digital cameras and surrounding components to support key applications including tomography, in-situ, spectrum and diffraction imaging, plus more.