Research Spotlight - Recognize Your Team Online

July 07, 2014


Welcome to Gatan Research Spotlight! Research Spotlight provides electron microscopists like you the opportunity highlight your laboratory’s work, recognize team members, encourage collaboration, plus share memorable images created on your electron microscope. Below is the submission form, plus information outlining how to write and submit your laboratory’s Research Spotlight.


Laboratory overview

Each laboratory overview should be approximately 250 to 500 words in length. Key attributes to highlight include team name or department, a short description of your research, plus key image(s) you want to feature created using Gatan products. It should be written in a clear and concise style aimed at a readership that is scientifically qualified, although not necessarily familiar with your specific subject. Overviews should be submitted using the submission form.

Gatan reserves the right to edit any laboratory overview for minor changes. However, every effort will be made to ensure that the sense and overall character of the laboratory overview remains intact.


Appropriate content should be provided for each Research Spotlight submission, including image title, image(s) of interest, plus image caption. These should be included on the submission form as BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG or TIF files.


References can be included in the laboratory overview section, but should be directly relevant to your featured images. Please number each reference sequentially as they appear in the text, then list after the laboratory overview.

Team picture

To show off key members of your laboratory, just snap a photo, then attach it to your submission form. These should be submitted as BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG or TIF files. Please also don’t forget to include your team member’s names to appear in the caption below the photo.

Laboratory URL

If you want to facilitate collaboration between your laboratory and others, simply include the URL for your laboratory’s web page.

Organization logo

Inclusion of your organization’s logo is completely optional and should adhere to your individual organization’s policy. These should be included on the submission form as BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG or TIF files.


To help associate your laboratory’s work with the appropriate Research Area, Technique or Product on, please select the corresponding fields on your submission form.

Rights of use

By selecting “Yes, I authorize Gatan to publish the above content as a Research Spotlight on on the Research Spotlight Submission Form, the author and their organization:

  • Permit Gatan to publish designated content in the Research Spotlight section
  • Agree the author has permission from his/her organization to submit the Research Spotlight
  • Assure that the publication of his/her Research Spotlight does not infringe any third-party rights
  • Agree the Research Spotlight or website links between the author, author’s organization and Gatan is not an endorsement and does not represent an affiliation between the two parties

By selecting “Yes, I authorize Gatan to publish the above content in other Gatan media and promotions” on the Research Spotlight Submission Form, the author and their organization:

  • Agree to the above conditions
  • Permit Gatan to published designated content in Gatan collateral, presentations or promotions


Please address your queries to:
Jennifer McKie
VP Global Marketing

Gatan, Inc.
5794 W. Las Positas Blvd.
Pleasanton, CA 94588
t +1.925.224.7350

Press Contact

Jennifer McKie